Region patch for Live A Live

Just a quick one: I’ve made a patch for Live A Live so it can played on NTSC and PAL systems.

I’m uploading it on this site and to my favourite source for hacks and translations,! 🙂


Patches Live a Live to be played on PAL and NTSC systems.

Works with every version of the game, patched to english or not.

Greetings and love to Maxi and the boys, 2017

Download the patch here.

You need the beat patcher to patch your rom, which can be found right here.

Have fun!

Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun (I’m Kid Dracula) – repro tutorial

Hello everybody!

I just did a repro of Akumajō Special: Boku Dracula-kun and documented the process. To make things easier for me I’ll call the game “Kid Dracula” in the following article 😉

Donor module

The best donor for Kid Dracula is Tiny Toon Adventures タイニートゥーンアドベンチャーズ .

It got the same mapper as Kid Dracula and needs just some minor rewiring.

You can use Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles チイーネーソ ミュータント ニンジャ タートルス oder Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Manhattan Project チイーネーソ ミュータント ニンジャ タートルス ザマンハッタンプロジェクト, but you’ll face some more modification of the donor with these.

Alll games are based on Konami’s mapper “VRC IV”.

You can use a Parodius Da! パロディウスだ!or Crisis Force クライシスフォース as well, but these games are pricey 🙂

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